Ohai!!! It's prophecy time. Here, Starclan cats can make up prophecies. Your prophecy will come true if three or more Starclan cats agree with go prophesize!

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Important Announcement by Pandastar of StarClan; of FlowerClan:
Okay guys, we need a date and all that stuff because the play's going to start this upcoming Friday and it ends March 2nd... So after that we can do the thingy thang where we like attack FlowerClan but we like don't really kill anyone unless they willingly die and yeah that shizzle shazzle... Post if you're joining the battle, so we can get a date for it.

The prophecy: 
​​​​​The joy of a star (Laughingstar) shall wither out, and a heart of stone (Graniteheart) will take its place.
A storm will rise (Stormflash) and will find its great strength, and a frosted leaf (Hollyfrost) shall prove their importance.
But when the shadow (me, Shadowflight) rises, a great battle shall begin, and FlowerClan must prepare to fight the stars.

When Shadowflight wakes up he finds out he can control spirits (or whatever you call them). He becomes power-hungry and uses that ability to fight FlowerClan. He dies in the end... :P
If I get enough StarClan cats before March, the battle will be on March 5th, or 3/5/2014
I don't know what time though.